the world inside each of our heads / how to bring that which is in, out

how do we explain ourselves to each other, how is the world inside of our minds reflected in the experiences we have, in the way we relate to the real, physical world


drawings, paintings & installations combining compositional layering, bold text and interactivity to enter the labyrinth of thoughts, anxieties and overwhelm occuring in the daily mind of the modern smartphone-using human // pictured behind this text is a distorted image of a sculpture from an ‘adventure-bition’ i created, a foam head spinning on record player, on the head it said ‘don’t dream it, be it’

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i’ve been reading ‘on earth we’re briefly gorgeous,’ such an incredible & poetic novel / there was a line the other day about the eye being so lonely, because it sees all but retains nothing, never able to notice that mere centremeters away it has a partner in crime having the same experience, the other eyeball / i’m grateful for the incredible journey of wild experiences i have led thus far, it’s taken me from snow-capped mountains in Banff with impossibly crystal water, to meetings in poorly air conditioned rooms, staring at plain wall clocks which refused to budge their hands at all / from colourful dance floors in obscure european 


castles, in crowds awash with joy, to uncomfortable nights walking home through oakland, the gritty concrete & the sense of wealth inequality inescapable / an infinite amount of moments, car sunroofs & surfboards, & yet sometimes it’s hard to remember a single thing that’s happened / like having read a 300 page book & struggling to remember a single word, a single idea / i feel like we’ve all been there / the morphing & moving creature behind this piece of writing is the culmination of a day’s work, an installation i built for a party called max 

freak in melbourne so many years ago / the concept of what i made was a staircase you ascended to then leave something you were grateful for on the tree & take something of someone else’s too / i ended up with a giant teddy bear who became part of the installation also / but mainly i remember being awake for exactly 24 hours, setting up during the day, a whirlwind dinner of noodles with dear bron & driving all the way to rosebud to see freya & robbie’s band play / hard to remember details sometimes but the core energy’s there / the delight of these video projects which actually document part of the madness, preserved & rewatchable

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‘community’ continues to be one of my favourite words / each year, it seems more & more obvious that it’s people gathering around something which is responsible for all the happiest & truest moments in the lives of those around me / it simply feels right / it’s about relationships & connections of course, but one step further, the united purpose, united drive which is really where the magic comes from / the photo writhing uncomfortably behind this piece of writing was taken at about 4am on the way home


from a party in this long-abandoned clothing mill on the cusp of footscray & yarraville / they used to hold huge parties there, i remember riding my brand new bike josie to meet some friends / even before i’d found them & felt safe in the arms of my dear crew, i could feel the glow of camaraderie from this illegal event, folks helping each other through the gap in the wire fence, the bodies all there to dance together, to be part of each other’s presence / many of the 


i have worked on were conceived in this spirit...
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it strikes me that we each have so many different personas inside our minds, clamouring for their various needs to be met / i recently learnt of the german expression ‘innere schweinhund’ - the inner pigdog, which is the part in all of us which would prefer to stay on the couch / useful, i think, to construe the various impluses inside oneself as separate entities who are to be listened to sometimes but not necessarily obeyed / the wolf, for instance, isn’t an inner voice i ever feel the need to act in accordance with / maybe i should a little more, i follow the voice of my floaty butterfly much more often


this is one of the concepts which i am drawn to explore in writing most of all, the voices in our heads & how we will never know what it feels like to be in another person’s mind & how we navigate inner & outer worlds / various pieces of poetry, stories & writing for theatre have emerged and these 

...can be explored HERE

on the phone last night, I was recording incredibly rough versions of some of my songs and sending them over to james in brussels, myself here in good old coburg victoria australia. james is a friend i respect dearly, so his praise meant a lot. in particular, he seemed to enjoy the ‘freedom’ in what i was making, songs which weren’t always confined to a structure, which could become an entirely different song for 15 seconds then switch back. 

we’re going to make an ep in 2024, we decided, he playing the reed to my bowie, or maybe the bowie to my reed. i’m tremendously excited



as well as a love for writing melodies and chords on guitar, i’ve also become embroiled in the pretentious and contagious scene of being a ‘dj’ over the years. my idol in this sense is fatboy slim and i enjoy mixing together big beat, house and ‘eclectro’ music with all manner of unexpected choices and soundbytes from films.

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it strikes me that we each have so many different voices inside our minds, clamouring for their various needs to be met / i recently learnt of the german expression ‘innere schweinhund’ - the inner pigdog, which is the part in all of us which would prefer to stay on the couch / useful, i think, to construe the various impluses inside oneself as separate entities who are to be listened to sometimes but not necessarily obeyed / the wolf, for instance, isn’t an inner voice i ever feel the need to act in accordance with / maybe i should a little more, i follow the voice of my floaty butterfly every time


_this is one of the concepts which i am drawn to explore in writing most of all, the voices we all have in our heads & how we will never know what it feels like to be in another person’s mind & how we navigate inner & outer worlds / below, various pieces of poetry, stories & writing for theatre from the years